
WTF did i just read... apparently if you work, you're wasting eggs and it becomes
Apparently normal vaginal discharge is a problem now
If you don't hit the stomach, you aren't doing it right
I don't even know where to begin
Gotta love old anime anatomy.
Can we just agree to stop using mileage as a way to measure vaginas?
This abomination of biology
the ideal woman
The perfect girl has no pride
A comment on one of my nudes
something tells me neither of options B or C feel that great
37 weeks pregnant. I am over it. (x-post from r/TrollXChromosomes)
I have no words for this abomination. Who looked at this and said “yep, that looks
Didn't you know women have an extra layer of butt?
I don’t think this pose is good for a) keeping a healthy spine, or b) bracing properly
Super powers
He posts garbage like this all the time
Who needs birth control for hormones?!
It is a fact that it's a problem only women have
The classic bell pepper-vagina comparison.
A hysterectomy removes what??
No need to worry about that blood in your urine, ladies.
I don't think tummies work like that.
This is what happens when your only knowledge of lesbians is from porn
The position of this vagina in this digital art.
A bunch of people on CNN’s story about the new royal baby don’t understand that
Must mean she's cheating
Facebook ads are a real treat
BWA and Murdered By Words...
Onion headline
I dont think it feels that good lol
BuT HOw SHouLd WoMEn pEE wIThoUt bReaKIng IT?
But how would you fake the smell?
Soul food for thought.
Posting here to throw them off the trail
r/BadMensAnatomy too??
A Crispy Take
I may be a guy, but I’m pretty confident that that’s not how tightness works.
Vaccination via sex
What the actual hell.
Because it's certainly not the institutionalized sexism, right?
No, sir, women cannot impregnate themselves.
Says the man who has clearly never given a woman an orgasm.
Some wholesome ignorance his time :)
You can probably imagine what the comments are like.
A guy posted this on Facebook ??‍♀️
I know this is a joke but it's so damn bizzare haha
Cursed boobs
I thought it was satire, but then I saw the comments
Fellas, is it permissable for a male doctor to examines your wife to make sure she
I’m just really curious about “and stuff”
Does this fit here?
How to use a pad
Are jokes allowed here?
The ever elusive art of orgasm
Yeah, we’ll stop them by not providing hygiene products
Apparently labia = vagina tightness
How does this spine even work?