
5 hours of work, 600 beads and 6 cups of coffee later, I present to everypony - My
Oh Pinkie :( [spoiler]
We'll Just Give Them Hats
No Idea what compelled me to make this
[SPOILER] The cover of Danger-Do reminded me of some of my favorite fan art.
Watch and Learn, Trixie
And I'll bet you thought you were too old to still get nightmares.
New Episode?
So Close to Saying Derpy
no sense big mac
Next episode conspiracy
My New Favorite shipping.
"Hey uh what do we do if a train actually tries to go past us?"
Someone else fell into the water...
Rainbow, where did you get that cool Wonder Bolts watch?
Sweet Celestia! She's drinking its brain!
I don't think I've seen anyone comment on the fact that these little guys made a
Oh Trixie.
I... might have a new favorite pony...
Spitfire disapproves of recruits who use performance-enhancing drugs
Season 4 intro.
Look out, here comes Tom!
Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God,
Feel the love
Extended synopsis for season 3 finale!
Have some light-hearted gifs about recent events.
Perhaps she was the real game inspector
Princess fight (comic by madmax)
This is exactly what I was thinking when I saw this scene and it made this episode
Twilight has to start all over.
In case of balloon emergency
"Wow, this thing is heavy!"
RD smirk gif
I was waiting for the awkward moment when Rainbow Dash asked about this picture...
Spike wants nothing more than for his favourite medium to be respected.
AJ and Her Gang of Nodding Ponies
Anyone else expecting something... different?
Friendship Pendant by SilverSlinger
SPOILER - Two fillies dancing - One with glasses.
Uh, something about this kid ain't right...
Truer words have never been spoken.
She also likes playing ROCK, paper, scissors.
An Invisible Pony?!
[spoiler] [pony.mov] Anyone think of this during the finale?
They're getting arty with the lighting again
Oh pancake, tell me your secrets
Fluttershy's Cottage, S1 vs S5
That cute pacing rarity was doing.
Employee Of the Year
Stone Pone & Flutters
Horsenstein 3D
Twilight! We need to go back 18 days for this reference to be relevant!
20 minutes into friendship lesson and chill and she gives you this look
Titanic Reference in Today's Episode