
Aren't we discussing all the Doctor Whooves? Seems he's gone under Regeneration...
Rainbow Dash does not forget
If Earth is part of the the MLP universe, then I guess the only thing left to say
They told her she could be anything she wanted...
Applebloom and Granny Smith making beer
The Face of Denial
Old habits die hard, eh Applejack? ;D
Last Saturday in a nutshell
barking pony is best pony
Sad Rejection, now in .gif form!
Karma Rolls Out the Welcome Wagon
Who's the doormat NOW?
Day 156 as a tree.
This image made me bust up laughing
I wear a fez now, fezzes are cool
The return of Smarty Pants
Celestia: Just Like Us
Babysitter vs Foalsitter
One of our friends didn't want to watch the finale with us so I started spoiling
It's the little things that make the show awesome!
Never have I despised a woman so much in my life.
Loved this face luna made in the preview vid
From the end of the season 3 premiere, is this the first example of cross episode
I was reminded of Rayman Origins when I saw this.
Scootaloo REALLY hates apple seeds.
I knew I'd seen those glasses before.
Face of the episode! We need a vector of this, STAT!
I found Derpy with her left and right eyes really far apart!
Did anyone notice the return of Egghead Dash? (MINOR SPOILERS)
Lesson zero anyone?
"I'm Appwejack" Awww  (SPOILER)
A real D'AWWWWW! moment here
"Spare some bits, sir?"
References? Anyone? Anyone?
After the Battle
Season 4 premiere episode image 1 [1920x1080]
Alicorn Magic?
"As a young filly in Canterlot, I always wanted to go to the Summer Sun Celebration,
Rainbow on her "knees"
Which fad do we ride this week into the ground?
If I've learned one thing in life, it's that this is how that episode should have
You were faking?
Poor Bon Bon
Anyone else catch this pacman reference?
Flutterbat Returns!
Burgers confirmed for being vegetarian "hay" burgers.
I thought this device was totally unexpected and pretty cool
This made me cry...
Neighteen Eighty-Four
Spike is a brony!
Seems Kenny didn't make it to Equestria
Discord's walking stick is painted with the Symbol of Chaos
Am I the only one that noticed Rainbow Dash's amazing hair this episode?
Another new art style for the show. This whole sequence was like an animated painting.
They jumed the shark. Literally!