
I don't know what possessed me to make this picture. (some NSFW language)
We need to find a mature responsible adult to trust with our kids.
Pony Hard
Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 Alternate Ending
Super Duper What?
[SPOILER] How a closeted brony feels
Applebloom: Apprentice alchemist.
Shocking revelations regarding the next episode!
Impatient Lyra, and Bon Bon -  Even one minuet away from your soul-mate is too long.
You glorious bastards...
I KNEW I've seen that before!
I'm a bad Brit...
Spike gets all the mares.
Easily the most adorable thing Pinkie has done to date [SPOILER]
I think I picked a good time to pause
Why does the CMC have cutie marks in The Hub's official recipe guide?
Day 1: Testing will continue until the real Pie is found.
This need to be an emote
Babs' Adorable Tail Swish
But...but...the Doctor HATES pears!
The animators sure are starting to like this face...
I like this new Sweetie Belle.
Maybe we can ask Twilight for help?
I'm a Cutie Mark!
Having not spoken to my only brother in 13 years, this episode really hit me in the
Sorry kid, I know a fake when I see one.
"I'm basically reformed already"
The Derpy One Lives!
A beautiful forum post responding to the s3 finale
Holy Cinematography
Did anyone else see the death star.
What an unexpected plot device
A meme 4chan's /mlp/ about twi and he new cane and I for one like it
Daring Do Is Written In Binary
I love that they brought back this running gag.
Fluttershy's cutie mark changed when she changed. Possibly more evidence to support
Brushie brushie
She was mostly apathetic, but I think receptionist pony was actually pretty cute.
Tara Strong gets to be a cheerleader again
Excited Fluttershy
Andrea Libman is Best Seedling
If I want to read a book, I can ... but I don't really want to
The hats and bows closet
Being neutral rocks
Guess Bulk Biceps gets it from his mom's side.
[SPOILER] No friend left behind, no matter how small.
I thought this visual distinction was pretty interesting.
Left Shark taught her well.
The best moment of the Season 5 premiere
Let me see your war face!
Of all the things that happened in today's episode, this happened the most.
Behold, the Majestic Mr. Cake
Luna has little her-themed bedroom slippers.
That pony looks familiar...
"Look what I got!"
S05E18: Crusaders of the Lost Mark in a nutshell