P L Maledoms

Nice and slow.
Wifey explains to us the primary reason why women are born with a face
Keep masturbating, human garbage, or I'll never let you get close to me again
It is not inferiority that makes superiority, it is the other way around
Beauty, male carnal happiness, is female superiority.
Making sure she knows her place
She worked as a school teacher, and she can't understand why the children's parents
A real superior man is worth the highest price, so superior feminists have to pay
A realization of her Status
Sex positive feminism is a wise trend of feminism that is positive about sex.
This brings a whole new meaning to "teacher's pet."
Did you know some men get insecure about their women using toys? They don't realize
In countries of freedom and liberation, to women, the only alternative to this is
Using her best female skills for earning money. This is what good feminists do (like
I don't care where we are. When I want to use you, I will. Now show the rest of the
Gagged, chained to the floor, helpless... She had been sold to a new master, and
When her car broke down on the side of the road, she though she was lucky somebody
My new therapist is moving me up to 3 sessions a week. She says I need to "probe
Everything about this picture is hot. I'm going to make this a scene someday.
You want my cock? Show me what you can do. Earn the privilege.
You missed a spot.
Western men liberated women when they understood that female inferiority itself was
Sometimes you have to bang them hard
You're getting promoted to office fucktoy. It's a difficult position, but you get
Making sure she gets her cardio.
Choked, slapped, pounded, and begging for more.
Begging for a taste.
"If I do it professionally, then it's ok", the brain that aspires to gender
More feminist sex positivity.
This is what a sex positive feminist looks like.
Honestly, "Liberation" is a joke-term when applied to an inferior gender
Used like a piece of meat.
How well you suck cock determines if I let you cum tonight.
To inferior men she's a scientist. To a superior Man she's a cum dump. This is the
No woman would do this for a man if this man is so inferior that he's unable to achieve
MD ladies: only carnal inferiority and submission are sexy and interesting to superior
Sex work is the genuine female work.
No, feminism is not "man-hating": feminism is "inferior man-hating".
Another capable self-sufficient modern feminist who needs absolutely nothing from
MD feminists, remember that to the superior Men you need and prefer 6 holes will
No superior Man-independent feminist wants superior Men to believe she's superior
Making her buy things with cum on her face (yes, she will do it for a superior Man)
When feminists say they are not inferior objectified toilets, they mean they are
MD feminists, remember: who you are does not define what you do; what you do defines
feminism, gender equality civility and superiority over inferior men are the role
In the streets she's a feminist. But that's in the streets.
So, due to female inferiority, women *NEED* Men, not the other way around; but women
I'm going to say some honest specification about this subreddit I'd understand many
Superior Men don't need superior women, so they only accept inferior women. So, in
women are just inferior fuckmeat. It's great, if their own internal feelings about
So yes: not only do feminists admit their female gender's inferiority when this inferiority
femaleness and femininity are the superiority and qualification of inferiority, in
What is less than a doormat or a urinal to a superior Man, is a haughty, superior
MD feminists, if you're going to bodywrite, don't forget to add "please".
A toiletification positive feminist
Because you're worth it
women have always preferred the best, most superior Male genes, to the species' benefit.
Take me to heaven, love angel, while I take you to hell
So female inferiority logically prefers a superior man; that is, women want a man