
Heavy Load [NSFW]
Mascot of the console peasants.
Peasants get six 'free' games. As long as they keep paying 50$/yr and own 3 different
Ceremonial burial for a broken computer. NSFW.
This is how we quad SLI
Spreading the word of our Lord
This is cruel (NSFW) Computer gore
Found a brother in photosuerte
TIL I have to upgrade my Ram, Mobo and Cpu to upgrade my GPU
He is the Lord that just keeps on giving ... [NSFW?]
[NSFW] Was playing Daggerfall. Went upstairs in a shopkeepers house...
This food is peasant-tested, 24fps approved
A rack worthy of even Lord Gaben highest honor.
[NSFL] Peasant explains the virtues of perception and how they relate to definition
Being hot is no excuse for peasantry.
Tbt to when I was a peasant [NSFW]
It amazes me that Half-Life 2 came out 10 years ago and still competes with console
Here's my version of 'Mods run games' [NSFL][NSFW][NSFP]
Only on PC, do we get ads like this.
Peasant Logic
Linux Vs PC Vs Mac i hope you know what one to pick
Why you should always build a PC
[NSFW]Took my girl for a nice good cleaning ;)
NSFW Following the iCloud fiasco, I thought this would be a suitable end for a certain
Mating Ritual for the common lesser peasant (*Tubersum triangulo*)
The Feast of Peasants (NSFW)
today i felt the might power of the 970. such a shame my pc hasn't arived yet
I'm pretty sure they are confident with that slogan
[gore]My laptop in a nutshell. I get a glorious 12 fps! NSFW
Mods bring people together, Even heisters and the cops.
But I Thought 1080p Was "Unrealistic!"
[Satire] Sweet controller you got there peasant.
The Alien: Isolation Angry Review is out and... wait wat?
The irony is the Peasant I showed this to thinks it's a real thing
Masterrace waifus !
[NSFW] Alright, which one of you guys did this [60FPS]
Almost want to give these GPUs a NSFW tag
I really can't go anywhere on the internet without being reminded of the glorious
Getting cute gifts from bae xx (nsfw language)
mods ruin games (nsfw)
Some people post beautiful pictures of their rigs, this is more of an erotic novel.
Meme/Macro It's been a month and it's still in there doing nothing
Raising awareness for dirty keyboards.. Please clean yours before it's too late!
[NSFW/NSFL]What posses someone to perform such a heinous act?!
[NSFW] Got a booboo from work today. I won't be JUMPING right for a few weeks.
So do I win anything for the most expensive keychain?
It's not safe to go alone..
Blue Beetle Rig.
This is why you don’t have parties and have a white mousepad
This is NOT my graphics card, it's pretty much every old game that uses idTech 3
I hope it doesn't come to that.
Let’s just say my friend is over waiting for a 3080 while scalpers scoop them up
So... can you help me?