
[NSFW] to celebrate here's me doing some [p]rint jobs ;)
A peasant has lost everything due to his addiction to potatoes. A cautionary tale.
Making the switch to 1080p...just glorious <BioShock Infinite>
Brothers, beware of noname PC cases. Tonight I decided to clean my server when suddenly...
Peasant has to make "sacrifices" NSFL
My glorious new character in Mount Your Friends.
My Secret Stash
I was watching porn when suddenly peasantry made me limp...
So this happened before I even loaded the OS.
[NSFW] We are everywhere
Because THIS was the intended use of Broadcasting...
You freaking bet it's time to play
Unearthed a 2002 PCFormat issue- I love how much they could get away with back then
(NSFW) Gabeify is truly glorious
I have displeased Lord Gaben by unplugging my PC's ethernet to plug in the peasant
How You Guys Like My Rainmeter?
MFW I'm staring at my gigantic Steam library and nothing sounds appealing [NSFW]
Didn't expect to find brother's here....
This is the REAL reason to have triple monitors!
Gaben is life.
Just browsing Twitch when... NSFW
[NSFW] Good God this Hurts my Eyes...
It's almost like she's on my desk :O
PornHub agrees!
So is this what the minute men are in to? (FO4)
I'm having way too much fun with this... (Slightly NSFW)
Quick nude shot before she gets cleaned and O-ringed ;)
The time is near!
[NSFW] Pornhub now has a glorious section
Just built my new computer :D
Accurate depiction of seeing rigs with SLI 1080Tis or Titans (NSFW)
Tai Lopez PCMR confirmed (Slight NSFW)
So.... My console arrived. Thanks DHL....
[NSFW] Greased up nudes
Two nude hotties enjoying retirement (4710HQ/970M)
Had my PC built at the Denver Microcenter in July 2016. Went to apply new thermal
4 years being used in a smokey home garage.
Here's a Sunday nude cuz why not.
[NSFL] My friend's CPU temps.
When you are applying that extra thic thermal paste
Christmas Peelies! Happy Christmas to everyone of the PCMR.
Intel nudes (delidded i5 7600k)
Want 8k@144hz? Well have I got a card for you.....
Chrome Circle Jerk
Thanks Dell for not having a widespread issue with your product covered by warranty
Rip wallet
I cringed when I saw this
Can I get some F's for my wife's GTX980?
Shout out to the life partners of PCMR. Slightly NSFW.
First night at the new house; but it will work for now.
Just got a new desk. Thoughts?
Let’s just say my friend is over waiting for a 3080 while scalpers scoop them up
Mom I'm Scared