
I've got some keys for you guys form HB. Please say who got them in comments!
This is what my shrine has come to, you are my only hope.[NSFW][Extra Heretical]
Nice and [C]lean.
Typical Peasant Girl Gamer
This... is unacceptable...
Stage 3 of 5: Bargaining
Joysticks sure are beautiful, aren't they? (Kinda nsfw)(more in comments)
REAL footage of a peasant being subjected to 120fps
We're doing naked keyboards now? Okay. Ducky agreed to model for you guys.
Max Brooks on peasants
I really like this plugin
Even those with a tenuous grasp of the English language think the PC port of Watch
4chan gets it (sorry for horrible cropping)
After hearing about Ubisoft's new statement
The wonders of playing with nGabe (Chrome extension)
Doing what you want to in a game [NSFW] #justmasterracethings
[NSFW] I have just made the most glorious discovery!
Peasant porn [ slight nsfw]
10/10 Masterrace thread (xpost from 4chan)
Somebody is so devoted to Corsair that they got the new logo on their back! [NSFW]
[NSFW] Even porn stars can be peasants.
JFK Video Quality - Source In Comments
PC Master Race [NSFW] [OC]
I wonder, where's the optical drive in this PC?
NSFW / better then mechanical ;)
[NSFW] I'd manage her cables.
[NSFW] My wife understands the more important things in life.
Gabeify and /r/nsfw = hilarious. Dat great figure tho.
Stole from 4/4chan
Steam got game...
The ultimate cringe
Where my Weiner sits while I game
What every league of legends players needs
Gaben showing off the new Steam hardware
[NSFW] What the PCMR is really about
[PSA] IO shields are sharp
PSA: The GTX 970 Giveaway is a Fake. I confronted the OP About His Post History.
I found a rare mouse out in the wild at work today
My experience playing TF2.
[NSFW] it sure is hot in here ;)
Apartment life.
I Crashed My Girlfriend's Car Yesterday :(
My friends keyboard
Sold used 4790k & bought 8700k for the same price
Had a very small leak, decided its time to see why....Well fuck
Wtf is cable management
Amazon has some hot new releases on the computer cases.
Nsfw cable management circa 2007
Clean your fans or you'll end up with some dust frosting growing on your case
R.I.P. to my first love
RTX 4000 Series leaked
I guess I need a water cooler