
[M]y wife asked me to send her some naughty pictures from work today...
After you read that post, here are some glorious GPU's to keep you guys satisfied.
Forgot that console gamers also play Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
I make the peasants jealous with my 10.5 inch lady pleaser.
Pornstar Raven Alexis and her well-endowed, custom built PC rig [NSFP]
Maybe the worst techsupportgore story ever. My PC was acting a little bit strange.
This picture says PC is the best.
Peasant Logic
[NSFW] I came across this poor, poor shrine at the airport last week. Who could have
Brethren, I need your help to score $1k from a peasant!
My XboxOne's hdd is already full! :( (HELP!)
Fixed the subway blasphemy
The reason I made the switch
Titan Black - Shroud [F]ree (NSFW)
[NSFL]Nightmare fuel. Today Oculus, tomorrow...
I believe I found Gaben's long lost sister
It seems like we've found a brother [NSFW]
Recently found this sub, I think this definitely suits the PC Master Race when it
How I feel after purchasing BF4
Just got this advert.. not even kidding. WarThunder is really coming along! NSFW
Porn worthy of the masterrace
Found one of those Skype bots today... [NSFW]
Windows is always faster...always (x-post funny)
One Might Call This Photo "Extremely Graphic"! (Possibly NSFW)
Corsair Gaming
[NSFW] You guys really are everywhere...
NSFL/GORE: Water cooling leaked on my video card. Goodnight sweet prince.
A guy from Peru gets stabbed and does nothing until wins his "LOL" match
Xbox users desire HD
(NSFW) Weekend College LAN Party - 8 PC's, VR, Chipotle, Killing Floor, HL2, TF2,
So i recently found how to "customize box art" on Origin
Dark Souls Glorified: Native vs 4K
[NSFW] I don't know which one turns me on the most...
Number seven is my soul photo...
Real reason for getting three screens...
That's it guys, PC customisation is dead!
School is starting soon. Don't forget to join the Computer Club!
My wife only walks in at the most inopportune times. This is why she thinks I play
PCMR at work!
Da fuk
Peasants are literally everywhere.
4chan speaking the truth
NSFW - Why we need more tech demos from nVidia / AMD
Pornhub is useful for other things than porn...
EA In a nutshell
I let nothing go unused, even a friend's gag gift. NSFW
My background changed to lazer tits and "desktop" refuses to load. Help
Interesting marketing technique...
wtf Newegg
these are two different lifestyles I would never have guessed crossed at times
Got one of those sexy Overwatch mousepads
On the Steam frontpage today