
Incinerated Coconut Shrimp (with sweet chili dipping sauce!)
I Got Drunk. I Cooked This
I'm broke. I'm hungry. I'm drunk. Lets take a journey to see just how little i got
In-house late-night BBQ ca. 2004
salmon lasagna or something
Drunk sauce and floor noodles
Ghetto Gourmet: Egg Apocalypse!
Drunkenly inspired by the concept of the KFC 'double down' I made an egg and cheese
Fucking Beef burguignon, because drunk
Middle of the night, craving a garbage plate, no can get. Time to improvise
I always wanted to try a Loco Moco.
Solo drunk pizza party [X-Post /r/TrollXChromosomes]
late night slow cooker carnitas!
Shoe leather, blorp and glorp.
Overnight eggs
Beef Gyros
I fried an egg. Then put it in a grilled cheese.
Just in time for the Final Four, Twisited Pizza Dippin Sticks!
Juicy Lucys under the influence
Behold, my famous "30-second" nachos.
I think the pictures are in reverse order. These are burritos, I thought I took a
Stuffed pork loins and a handle of Bacardi. Drink deep, my friends.
Chef Boyardee can suck it.
Someone told me to put this here
Chicken Bacon Ranch Mac n Cheese.... Burrito?
Grilled ramen and cheese
A bottle of wine, a glass of whiskey, then this happened
Spaghetti and Meatballs.
Xpost from /r/dintymoore, The Dinty Moore Calzone!
Wife's coming home tomorrow, so I decided to be fancy tonight. Spam and Mashed Potatoes.
Spaghettio's Dip
deep fried macaroni horror
Quesadilla Burger
3 am wonder bread and barbecue sauce.
8am Steak Abomination
Microwaved Onion filled with Egg.
Carolina style hamburger with home made fries.
Xxtra Flamin' Hot Cheetos Chicken Tenders
Chuck, meet Oscar...
Christmas 3000 miles away from my family, so I got drunk and made my own ramen and
My favorite meal as a kid. With one adult addition. To make it more awesome all items
Chicken Noodle Soup. Featuring: Chicken Noodles.
Fuck making dinner.
My take on a deconstructed Beef Wellington; or how I learned to stop my Lenten fast
Platinum Pizza