
Proper English is Sexy
Well, Beefdog, I could only assume.
Thanks for letting me know
Just a bit of Grindr fun
After many messages like this I got snappy. I guess he didn't like choice of words!
Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a new student joining us.
"Self-respect." Oh, the irony.
I knew the childhood blisters would one day pay off.
Should I be worried?
Not a big Archer fan either, I take it.
wow such celebrity wow
Well, at least he altered his introduction a bit for the holidays.
Dick pic
I had an overwhelming urge to to this at work today
New kind of ice breaker
Why yes, yes I am.
Oh, just some random anti-semitism for no reason.
Apple chose an interesting icon for the social networking-category...
Everyone has a wild side.
I had never talked to him before, but I have priorities
To be fair he does paint a vivid picture...
I tried to be funny and then it just got creepier...
I believe I found the Fresh Prince
Even *I* feel bad for this guy
Please don't cut my hair off :(
He didn't take rejection well
No I don't think you understand...
He'll buy me pizza!
I love when this happens.
"This is a shame" - Part 2
I am two years younger than this guy.
Guess I wasn't good enough:(
I think he passed out mid-message...
This scared me.
Is Fag a high caste? Fuck yeah it is
My friend says....
Well that's a new fetish
Thrilling conversation
My town is trashy af
Context: I'm 24 and have a beard
I talked to him one time
best compliment I've received all day
Nailing it Colorado style
Rip in peace
I gotta say. He is very creative.
Yeah, that’ll magically make me a top.
A few months ago I was using a silly pic of myself, now everytime I change my picture