
I don't think his mom approves...
What the...
Old-timey grindr. Or: Flirting- amidoinitrite?
The image was interesting enough, but the info box was even more so
I'm ashamed to admit this roleplay went on for a few hours
This would make dating, um, interesting....
I am now 42.
Sad reminder.
Canadian or Cambodian = BLOCK!
Okkkkk if that's what you have to tell yourself... :|
My bad
I think he might be dyslexic
Jeannie Gold, wedding planner.
I am so smooth
Why is Grindr so weird?
Good cop bad cop.... but with grindr
Oh my god Karen!
He explained that this was a copy paste error
Not 100% positive, but I'm pretty sure I'd get in trouble.
yes, many
The charm level is being raised
I'm 20, he's 48, this is clearly the ideal way to start a conversation.
Is this supposed to turn me on?
Uhm...excuse me?
My first night after reinstalling
An open and shut case.
Whey and curds and a way with words.
I don't even know.
Yes, my name is Jake. And yes, that joke is getting old.
Dad? Is it really you?
Today I applied for a job through Grindr, tomorrow I find out who I have to blow
Not even a few hours on Grindr and... (Yeah I *did* state that I was a med student)
Such a charmer
Socks for dinner
Oh, okay.
What a wonderful welcome!
Didn't think guys like this existed.
Sounds like a good idea to me!
that one creepy uncle
So an orgy?
Did he think that would convince me?
Even politely declining doesn't work xD
And they say chivalry is dead
"Free trial"
"No racial hangups"... oh
Lol, okay Werk.
Does helping with homework count as networking?
Because I'm not worth it
I’m HIV neg
I'm all out of bill icky
[deleted by user]
This shit better get me laid