
F/20/5"6, it's my cake day/50th day of progress, so I thought I'd share how
Four months of progress! M/25
Only 15lbs down, but super excited and wanted to share. [22/F 5'3" 205-190lbs]
F/24/5'4" [200>155=45lbs] Not at goal weight, but still felt beautiful
M/24/5'7" [280>145 = 135lbs lost] (2yrs) I no longer require a bra and
F/19/5'5" [230lbs > 175lbs = 55lbs] (11 Months) Halfway there!
F/26/5'5 [200lbs > CW:150lbs = 50lbs] (lost in 4 and a half months) Just 20lbs
F/22/5'6"/160lbs-140lbs=20lbs/4 months/Slowly getting a waist!!!
F/20/5'7" 190lbs > 134lbs = 56lbs (2 years) Only 9 more pounds to go!
M/23/6'1½" [207lbs--->196.21lbs----> 194.2lbs] (8 months) (NSFW)
F/26/5'10'' [210> 160.8 = 49.2lbs.] (8 months) I started this journey at 15
F/26/5'3" [127-123=5lbs] 12 week recomp, first time ever finishing a program!
F/27/5'3" [146.4 lbs > 138.8 lbs = 7.6 lbs] (3 months) Stuck to my new
F/22/5'6" [175>154=21lbs lost!](3 months) Finally hit my first goal of
M/27/6' [240lbs>185lbs=55lbs] dropped beer, picked up weights and decided
M/46/6'2"[315lbs>195lbs=120lbs] 2 years Started with eliminating sugar,
F/25/5’9” [218 > 172 = 46 lbs] (17 months) NSFW
M/22/5'10" [258lbs > 218lbs = 40lbs] (1 year) Not at my goal by any means,
M/24/5'6" [165lbs > 140lbs = 25lbs] Mediterranean diet and training for
M/35/6'2 [275 > 215 = 60 lbs] Last March I decided to ditch the dad bod. I
F/29/5'8" [343lbs > 253lbs = 90 pounds lost] (four months) Had weight
M/25/5'7" [88kg > 77kg = 11kg] (6 years) 6 years of hard work, weight
F/24/5'9" [210>162=48 lbs] I started at 225 but right after the picture
F/31/5'3" [149lbs>138lbs=11lbs] End of October 2019 to January 2020.
F/32/5’8” [290lbs - 240lbs = 50lbs] Halfway there, and there’s no stopping
M/31/6'2 [296 > 230] Former alcoholic who lost everything to 8 months sober
F/25/5'8'' [240lbs > 158lbs = - 82lbs] ( +/- 5 years) just went on a 100km
F/22/6'0" [256lbs > 219lbs = 37lbs] (3 months) - I can finally wear one
F/24/5’4 [175 > 148, 27lbs] finally broke 150 for a full week, left from
M/38/6'0" [380 > 190 = 190lbs] First time poster: I'm half the man I
M/26/5’8” [313.6>234.1= -79.5lbs] I am now the lightest I have been in