Igthft Ham

Chuck Spears says: I couldn't resist
How lil Wayne was made
Chef Ramsey is probably right..
Rate me (x-post /r/4chan)
Proof asians really can't drive
This is why I love Omegle
Human hearts (Fixed): 1. Trayvon Martin 2. Steve Jobs 3. Chris Kelly 4. James Gandolfini
Saw this downvoted below 0 in advise animals and thought it belonged here
3 white cops + 1 black guy = A show
How I felt when my post made the front page of this shithole.
Obese lady in an electric wheelchair, with an obama sticker, watching the treyvon
I thought this belonged here after i saw it .
How I felt after seeing all the people on the news last night
twerk on, trayvon.
No sure if this is offensive or not but it really shows how biased the media is
Just please stop
Mmerican Heroes
An omegle conversation I just had... "Do you think science and religion will
Hipster O.J.
Anne Frank had an awesome time at camp last summer!
had to caption something from /r/pics
Can you spare $2.00
Well thats an easy one
Religion of peace
Most of r/atheism
Prophet Muhammad went to his tent one night and saw one of his wives looking angry...
Titanic needed something to jazz it up a bit [xpost r/gifs
He's one of us
Only 90's Kids will Remember This
This subreddit needs more Jim norton
The work they put in back then
America doesn't have a gun problem ...
I'm sorry Martin
Progressive Parrot and Factual Falcon debate race and crime
Introducing: Progressive Parrot and Factual Falcon
Factual Falcon looks at some recent statistics on rape and race
Iq tests are racist?
Well this should help you
mine sweeper DLC
Boromir weighs in on Syria
Felt like I needed to make my solemn contribution to the 9/11 posts...
(Xpostr/funny)I guess I found a book about women?
America doesn't have a gun problem
Now we know why it's so popular with them
Old but gold.
Bacon is a new contraceptive
Gay nightlife in Germany
Say Whaaaa?
Watermelon girl of his dreams
Friend sent me this. It's true
I think we know where he went...
You're a nigger harry.
This looks shopped.
Nigga stole my bike
What's he gonna do, draw a door and walk out of poverty?
what a pathetic faggot