Igthft Ham

Chuck Spears says: Mind: Blown
Chuck Spears says: Kindergarten
Chuck Spears says: He only goes out at night(x-post from r/niggers)
Chuck Spears says: Here is my friend's patriotism for today
Chuck Spears says: What a slut
Chuck Spears says: Spilled the beans [x-post /r/wtf]
Chuck Spears says: Valid Point
Yes...yes they do.
And the winner is...(x-post /r/funny)
I think one of you guys are friends with me on Facebook
How I feel moving to Chicago
Was told this would fit better than in WTF "I know artists have artistic freedom
I found one of us over in r/funny ...
A new respect for American Dad
Feminist bake sale, you say?
Rape is an honor
We are spreading
Friend just told me this joke..
Found one of us in ask reddit
Sounds like a metal band name...
Searched asshole Jesus on google and found this
Illegal things that begin with a B.
Black man's kryptonite
My mom is dating a black guy and sent me this text about finding my dog on her bed....I
Good catholic boy
These people have a few seats in hell ready for them.
From the sex ed askreddit
I feel kind of bad, but also I just couldn't help myself
Go away!
Well both are technically right here
People talk about it now..
Google (obviously) knows (xpost from r/funny)
I searched holocaust jokes on google and this came up (X-post r/funny)
Triple ticket to hell.
A little 2 for 1
Put this in my math book today.
Have you heard?
Paul Walker
Death Metal
I assume this was one of you?
I've found another one of us!
Even the black communities have christmas lights
Saw her naked, still counts....
Except, you know, dead... (x-post from /r/funny)
This is too wrong, but dat face. (From r/funny )
My reply to this image on /r/historyporn didn't go down so well...
I found this way too funny...
It's never too soon.
[bad title] Found another one of us on Youtube
Tits or GTFO
Told my Dad, if I win, he has to come back into my life.
Every time I'm looking through NFL draft prospects... Which one of you was it? ಠ_ಠ
I'm gonna wreck it!
Santa loves Hitler
My sister made her own stocking this year (xPost r/funny)
r/funny is a group of whiny little plebs. But I know YOU guys will enjoy this
Fleshlight Review
That is how you do it.