Igthft Ham

MFW I sat next to the special ed kid in school
Family Reunions: Negro Edition
Whats Yellow and can't fly?
They finally got the funding they needed!!
Started this new diet. Supposed to clean your stomach right out.
I think I found one of us, a true asshole.
The difference between men and females
We just need a big car wreck to complete the trifecta.
Photo album
I guess the movie was so bad no one realized he was even in it.
The dangers of high-fiving. (x-post from r/funny)
I was told to post this here. I'm certainly not used to posting in this sub..
My friend spotted this beautiful family on the street
This is kinda hell worthy.
Generate ALL the memes: Confession Bear
This was on the cam girl AMA. This guy gets it.
I doubt their ancestors looked that happy.
Go Home Airplane
Cards Against Humanity... cuts to the core.
Oh college...
You gotta love hellish humor,
While we're on the subject of plane crashes..
I suck at making titles. This shit is funny.
No you cant blow it up.
I found one of us
Too soon?
Just woke up and this was the first thing my groggy mind read
The reason black people traditionally smoke kools
What a charmer!
Well done, Chicago Sun-Times. (I'm so ronrey)
Have you heard why they crashed ?
Found one of us in /r/pics
Road trips in Africa... If they could afford a car
Fucking love C&H
Thank god. I'm not alone.
it was bound to happen.
Damn Jesus! Your nails are looking good!
How to be nice to a girl
MS Paint/photoshop challenge: Your best rendition of The Prophet Mohammed.
It's a potato eat potato world
The dangers of hi-fiving
i know you guys would find this funny
My sisters coworker sent this gem to her.
Facebook ads understand us
So which one of you works at kmart?
i can see my soul fading away for laughn at did..xD
If robbers had downs
Test post, please ignore
No Assembly Required (x-post from r/wtf)
She Walked Into That One
She meant well saying the "N" word, guys!
Guys, I need some help
Them black people
Fuck, why do I only see cum?
Muslim Terrorist Factory
Blue Team Wins!