Igthft Ham

Sooooo, I was at the park the other day....
this was on /r/funny..i think it belongs here
Lets play where's the cracka in a group of yard apes, oh that wasn't to hard...
The next Viral Hit.#ZimmermanCase
I found one of us on CNN.com
well done
Easier than defriending... (x-r/screenshots)
Someone didn't like the facebook picture
I laughed way too hard at this.
See not all black people are mad at us normal people for Trayvon
Morning walk.
Angry Birds, 9/11 edition.
I think it's their driving that gets me
Be free
One of us on my FB feed posted this gem
She sure was taught correctly
We already know the names of the Asiana flight pilots, but they just released the
Philosoraptor on Voter ID Laws
I really am going to hell for this
My D.J. name!
Found one of us in /r/pics
What is your favorite anime?
Zimmerman is such an awesome guy!
Bae's at it again
Ha ha ha, suicide (x post from /r/Demotivational from /u/winter_storm)
Oh no you di-int.
4chan delivers...
No water
Why do more black kids drown than white kids?
mmmmmm that sweet taste of justice
What I look like after a night of eating PF Changs
Niggers gonna Nig
Last Goodbye.
Stupid Baby
I hate to break it to you man....
X-post from r/funny, thought this belonged here
I feel so evil for this.
She wont be able to tell the difference till it's to late.
Dang, Reddit. I'm impressed.
A wild Snorlax appeared at the drive-in I work at today.
Obama is a Slave Trader
Can't simmer the zimmer
Fucking terrorists
Great science project for kids
Did not expect to find that there
Soo that's how there made..
Nobody is born racist... [Fixed]
On the recent Zimmerman case...
God I love making these.
Spongegeorge Zimmerpants
They really love the stuff. (Trayvon Martin portrait)
On the plus side, a lot can change in two days.
Best Tattoo Ever!