Igthft Ham

In lieu of the season finale
/r/funny didn't appreciate this but I know you guys will
Black family
New event at the Paralympics.
Happiest. Potato. Ever.
A mother and her son, enjoying the day at the zoo.
I just scored an awesome new username if the guy doesn't pussy out!
Not sure if this actually belongs here, but it's pretty ironic.
Fist thing I do when I get google translates.
Trayvon Martin's DirecTV commercial
Did someone glue some toast to the ceiling?
Bike Theft Steadily Rising
What is your first thought?
An African Tiger.
An accurate depiction of the welfare system
I found another recruit! [Content in comments]
You spelled "convenience, watches and shoes" wrong
Who the hell puts a potato in the fridge?
What I picture Lil Wayne like...
Didnt get a warm response although its probably true
My, how things have "Changed"
4Chan found the legs of this guy.
Noticed this in the recent ama, Look closely at the ears
Three caged beasts
I laughed... (X-post r/funny)
High school Drop-outs
In /r/pics under the Photogenic Inmate post.
Well it is called ask me anything
They are so much better than the old ones.
Well I've reserved my seat.
Even those in smaller subreddits are going to hell with us.
Meatball! Meatball! Spaghetti underneath. Ravioli, Ravioli, Great Barrier Reef!
KKK Napkins
Got no love in r/Funny and was told it belonged here. -This is all I could think
So. subreddit name is relevant.
There is nothing wrong with being a organ donor.
Quick, Africa doesn't have a computer. (X-post r/funny
Okay...which one of you asked it?
Nice father & son picture.
Saw this on my news feed....I loled the whole way through.
Insult to injury (x-post r/funny credit to sgrantcarr)
Meet the crew
Quick! Caylee Anthony's dead, post pictures of babies and duct tape!!
Serj Planekian
This is absolutely disgusting. [NSFW]
/r/mildlyinfuriating didn't like my album title. I thought it was a gas.
Only two birds?
"Treacher Collins Syndrome" Hell version
[X-post from r/gaming] bunch of faggots in that subreddit.
Speaking of pissed feminists, the one's over at r/adviceanimals got mad at me
Being able to call someone "mine" (x-post from /r/funny)
The Fast and the Furious: Polio Drift
Can't wait for the next Batman movie!
To be appreciated [xpost r/funny]
Niggers wet dream
Dead Serious. -xpost from /r/memes
Even on r/food, we lurk waiting to strike.