Igthft Ham

Just a friend doing his civic duty.
Booty Had Me Like
Tell 'em how it is. (X-post /r/WTF)
How the hell am I supposed to pack my small now?
100% Effective
Do it yourself abortion. [x-post r/funny]
Coworker just sent me this; literally guffawed.
found this while googeling how to bury a body
Such a great mother
Opposite day!
Tracey is wrong.
Pornstache knows what's up.
Saw this on the front page earlier today. Thought it belonged here.
Online Dating
If you have sufficient punctuation and grammar skills, stop text-typing like an 8
I would play the shit out of this.
Saw this on the front page. Thought it belonged here.
Could've fooled me!
How am I supposed to deal with this? Its too much
The Original
Saw one of us on youtube.
Thought you guys might like this
Anybody seen 'em?
Thought this belonged here
Diversity in the workplace
why do we even invite this guy?
I would have said "An Abortion" but it still works.
[x-post r/funny] Something Something Stereotypes
Patrick gets lost
Things were never the same without Nano
A bad attempt to end racism.
Reenactors of their past.
X post from Reaction gifs "MRW I see a really well produced film"
And now the Ethiopians are awake too!
This rude little troll saying some hilarious stuff on omegle
One of us.
Keep your eyes on the ball
Meanwhile, in Soviet Russia...
I don't think that he has the money for those, amigo.
Waiting to die (fixed)
Anon's Photoshop Skills
The sub icon is surprisingly relevant to this one..
Brought to you by Skittles and Arizona Ice Tea
So a friend of mine had to answer his EA security question.
Alright, which one of you guys did I find on Facebook
Aww... I want a piñata for my birthday too!
I won Apples to Apples with this
Dopplegangers? How dare you!
Looks right to me (post from /r/funny)
Fuck the Syndrome
The mold of JFK came out like it should have (X/WTF)
Askreddit didn't appreciate my attempt to lift the mood. Or rather, drop it.
M&M announces their Jewish line-up
I knew i recognised the world trade centre (minecraft)
He started off by saying there was an autistic kid at his house....
C&H hits the nail right on the head.
I can feel myself burning already
no wonder you don´t see too many jews racing...