Igthft Ham

Love indeed is blind
Found one of you on /r/unexpected
Syrian Blue's Clues [NSFL]
The answer to why we dont need whitepeoplemeet.com answered by DarkShadow04.
Titles are hard
First I thought it was just a funny name, then I realize it was also lighter fluid
The ass was fat.
Perfect name for a president of the NAACP
Found this on my friend's FB Have fun with the captions ;)
Go kill yourself
I didn't press the button.
I need to move to England. So few black people would be nice
Realizing it's time to move on
I'm just going to leave my car at home today..
Is that the PC version of tard wrangler?
Even the Son of God has to start somewhere.....
I think I would like one please.
I found one!
Eat fresh.
Well they DID say weed would make you stupid [repost r/facepalm]
am i wrong?
I don't think the kid with Progeria needs the costume.
I like the original triology best.
Poor George, doesn't want to be hardcore.
This belongs here (x-post r/adviceanimals
Riley hospital...
Stop Dad! Stop!
Such a tough decision...
It's not even that great of a deal...
You fuckers always catch me off guard...
It's almost here...
Buried with the things he loved..of course fries chicken and a gun to rob St Paul
About Time
True love is hard to find
BREAKING: gorilla joins local high school track and field team
Good head on his shoulders.
Why Super Mario doesn't have Black people in it.