Igthft Ham

Saw this behind a computer store
This seems like inappropriate advertising
9/11 would bang
No such thing as "rich".
Saw this comment over in r/WTF. I couldn't help but laugh.
Love a nigger joke
Found one of us trolling the AP
Anyone for flute?
beautiful ape specimen
Zimmerman vs. Trayvon
Rosa Parks' latest single
Not to Spoil the End but They All Die in the Middle
I laughed too hard at this. I'm going to hell now. (X-post from /r/funny)
Wow, this African dude is jacked.
Rare picture of slaves actually working
I'm lazily going to hell
One Of Us
How did he die? Was he brave?
Describes this subreddit prefectly
No you can't
Nothing new there...
Well its worth more then the people
Black fathers
"Touch of the downs" fantasy team has a cheerleading squad.
Guess what's out of place
Combo pack! (X-post /r/funny)
Anon has his first kiss (xpost /r/4chan)
My front page. Immediately thought of this sub.
There's a lot of truth to this.
Throwback Thursday <33
My first attempt at photoshop. I think I did well.
Apparently it's still too soon for "shooting up the theater" jokes... I
Didn't learn quick enough :/
My Legs Hurt (x-post from funny)
No They're not cheating the System! (xpost Funny)
Bad joke eel strikes again!
I found one of you fucks over in r/askreddit
Found one of us trolling the AP
Miley is really trying to be like Rihanna in this video.
Nail polish is just so hard to remove!
Too soon?
I think he's one of us (x-post r/WTF)
What this sub really needs is....
I laughed way more than I should
If Jerry Seinfeld told dirty jokes...
Norman Rockwell's Racist Thanksgiving (Yes, I Xposted to /r/funny, but my bros and
Pokemon: German Edition
We can do this the easy way, or the tard way
Found this in r/videos
Black chicken.
Fresh Prince of Twin Lakes
One of us. One of us.
I wouldn't even notice since there is so many
Confirming the stereotype
My New Fantasy Team (x-post from r/trayvonmartin)