
a lovely timeless classic, dedicated to the ladies [xpost from ForeverAlone]
...and I am never going back. They'll have to cut me out... [NSFW]-ish.
I learned this the hard way last night...
Every time I wear a new push-up bra for the first time (slightly NSFW)
Gotta stay fresh
Disney PRINCES re-imagined... into beefcakes in speedos! I feel dirty just looking
One of my friends in my new(ish) town called me her best friend and asked me to be
Getting ready for my bf to leave town for 3 months. Clean, charged and ready to go.
I'm in a ridiculous dry spell. MFW I am in the proximity of available dick.
[OC] Mexican dinner followed by sexytimes
MRW my boyfriend hits the right spot.
A response to "women are mental-terrorists." [NSFW]
My husband is out of town, so this is my Friday night. It's awesome!
Everytime i try to eat a snack when lying on the sofa... (Slightly-NSFW)
I've been stuck in bed with the flu for a week. This will be me before I see my boyfriend
[NSFW] I'm quite self-conscious about my cellulite; this painting reminds me that
Ladies, I did a SFX makeup to depict how I wish I could alleviate my migraine pain
justgirlythings (NSFW)
HIFW my SO's reaction to my being annoyed at starting my period early is, "I
RE: "MRW when guys constantly tell me 'Don't get TOO buff. Guys don't find that
MB(oyfriends)RW me and my friend are discussing the hoey shit we did before getting
It's not a vagina. Thought you all would appreciate this.
Watching porn as a straight woman like
Spotted a Troll in the wild... which one of you is this?!
Well this looks perfect for Christmas/holiday sweater parties.
HIFW I see a post marked NSFW and I'm at work and I still really want to click on
MRW the guy at McDonald's keeps asking if I'm sure that I want the boys happy meal.
[mildly NSFW] I'm glad I don't have a penis because i would do things like this
Severe Depression: When your family tells you to "just snap out of it".
Just got new panties for my birthday HIF
Saw this on lowcostcosplay, thought of you guys
[NSFW] How you know you've found a keeper/my relationship goal.
MRW I'm in a public place browsing Reddit, which of course has some NSFW content,
MRW a casual acquaintance says women should "get over" sexual harassment
Fly away with me trolls
All you Trolls deserve to love yourselves ❤️
MRW the bf wants to try something new in bed [NSFW]
When he asks for nudes
A guy friend snapchatted me asking to help him get off. Thought you'd appreciate
Legit how I entertain myself when I'm bored/alone...
Expectations vs. Reality
I know a few of these types of men
Real talk now... ?
My friend might be one of us
Good ole oglaf
SO shipped off to work at a satellite site for over a month. I'm officially a work
What tinder is like for women
How's it going ladies?
A daydream for my ladies who will be talked down to and talked over by men at work
"911? I'd like to report an attempted murder..."