
[NSFW] After the sexy times
How I feel after finally getting a bra that fits.
The second before a guy's about to hit on me...
Me and my friends working on our fitness.
Brad. Pitt. Happy friday ladies [NSFW]
My ex-boss told me, with a genuine tone, to have fun on my honeymoon right after
My little brother said he found a lady with a tail. Didn't have the heart to tell
[NSFW] This happens to me pretty much every night
Why there!?!
That dry spell just got longer, ladies. (NSFW) maybe?
LET US RACE. (nsfw)
Why I need the a/c and a fan on at night, in summer, but still need to sleep with
Noped outta civilization and into bed today
MRW I finally have the apartment to myself again after my parents visit for over
I spy with my little eye a terribly photoshopped pair of breasts. I didn't know cleavage
I need a hobby. [NSFW-ish]
Me right now.
[NSFW] Noooooooo!!! :(
MRW I see my BFF logged in on Skype and am about to tell her all about some super
My boyfriend and I have the deepest conversations (kinda NSFW)
I was given a coloring book in an exam week care package, and I saw an opportunity
MRW my family asks if I'm going to get married to my longterm boyfriend.
[NSFW-Language] Just thought you all (ladies) should know we have a doorbell to the
[NSFW] With all this bra talk recently I thought you Trolls would be interested in
Luisa Omielan on thigh gaps. *one of us, one of us*
MRW I see my formerly flat-chested friend for the first time since she got knocked
[NSFW] My bullet just BURNED my friggin' CLIT while having sexy fun times with my
Prehistoric cave prints show many early artists were women - A pretty interesting
[NSFW] Trolls, here's my new nailpolish! I you girls are the only ones who would
HIFW a rude customer asks me "how do you sleep at night?"
HIFW this is the end. Death is near. I'm sure of it. It's been swell Trolls. (nsfw)
Browsing for new sex toys got me like..
The finest moment in Crimson Peak. [NSFW]
Well, trolls, it's my birthday and I didn't have a party.. or a cake.. or friends...
MRW, I cum on his cock, from penetration! Trolls, this is so new for me. <3
Since many have a thing for Mulder, I feel like we could use some tea, like now.
I think I may just found my new favorite curve [Found this on r/blackpeopletwitter
[NSFW] Avengers dildos and vibrators because obvs
My mom sent me this, thought I'd spread the troll around. Happy Easter!
[NSFW] I'm not sure if this is true but I need one
MRW I interview for a "basically a sure thing" bartending job with 7+years
Trolls, please take this moment to step back from all the poop in this world and
I can't draw, but fuck it, I had to.
Brush tip sharpies arrived today. (Maybe nsfw?)
I think may have found my new favorite porn
Nice guy commenter on Pornhub wonders why can't get pussy [NSFW]
Trolls I got what I wanted for Xmas (NSFW)
Trolls, I saw this and thought of you... (yes it is real, in a proper museum and
When that one picture captures your highlights and you can't resist sharing it. NSFW
When a spread labia minora reminds you of Mother Mary, you kind of have to share
For any of you who are having a subpar Tuesday, here's Thor in his undies. Something
The headache when my male friends react to my disgust over the wave of accusations
[nsfw] Googly boobs
MRW My fiance gives me ten dollars to get coffee after my job interview today because
It's true
Excellent & trollful breast exam
[NSFW] My doctor not taking my vagina seriously again