
MFW Zombie Apocalypse Edition
MFW ron paul [le]terally became [f]ucken president this year [12]
MFW I'm cleaning my Fleshlight.
MFW /r/FabulousFerds is bigger than /r/reportthetrolls which has been around for
MFW I was quietly hiding in the sofa as a kid playing hide and go seek and my uncle
MFW I'm trying to stealth vape and have to hold in a dry hit.
Mfw the front page is completely composed of may may man.
MFW I'm a spooky nearsighted skeleton staring at a bush
MFW I'm finally home alone for the first time in 4 months
MFW episode 44 and chapter 43 come out on the same day
mfw I get downvoted by samshills for praising lord DuARTe
MFW my dad likes and agrees with a Samsung ad
MFW I drank an energy drink to study for an upcoming quiz and have done nothing but
MFW my glorious Nexus 6 goes off during a meeting
mfw ellen pao steps down and the popcorn tastes good
mfw i see bernie sanders fappening pics on my cakeday
MFW I am in yet another meeting and a certain group of guys keeps talking as if their
MFW I throw for 358 yards and 3 TDs
mfw netplay lags and I pick the wrong character
mfw I see what an unmoderated, uninspired meat display r/lbgw has become.
mfw when an S5 user said she didn't buy an HTC because they were slow
MFW waasome starts talking about his AK
mfw foreshadow
MFW I tell a guy I rarely cum from sex and he say's I "just haven't been having
mfw browsing Neptunia fanfics now
MFW i see an Apple Pencil
MFW I'm the last piggy to the party and I don't get to beat the black guy
MFW playing bloodsouls IV
MFW I look at my Sub
MFW question marks come roaring back with a vengeance
MFW I hug a youngling from behind ...
MFW I create a suicide prevention project and it doesn't go as planned.
MFW Personalized ads wherever I use my Microsoft account.
MFW watching Black Hawk Down
MFW someone says white people have no culture
MFW I have new messages but its just you fucking shitheads.
mfw Europe is being invaded by 3rd worlders and in 50 years it will just be another
MFW I post to transpassing and half the responses are from obvious chasers with slurs
mfw new chars released
Mfw my doctor tells me to eat better
MFW people are posting Jenya again
MFW I have to put our milk cow Daisy down because her farts are toxic to the environment.
mfw i notice ur bulge UwU
MFW someone I want to fuck says "If I was gay I'd totally fuck you."
MFW my asshole got fingered
mfw the sub is back
Mfw I get caught gooning to Goddess Tay and they laugh instead of joining in