
MFW i go to r/spacedicks
MFW I can't post to FCJ
MFW I learned Logically_Flawed is back after a 2 day absence.
MFW mods are being abusive
MFW someone says sloths aren't totally radical.
MFW people say I have a small penis
MFW when I click on a link and expect something Brave and it turns out to be a .gif
MFW I decide to test my 1RM after not deadlifting for 4 months and pull 405 on a
mfw i tear my wizard sleeve [NSFW]
Mfw my mom serves me General Mills for breakfast...
MFW I wiggle my didgeridoos
MFW I get invited to "Keep a girl company" while she house sits for a week
MFW I am kicked off the bus for wanking again
MFW I buy a new flavor and KNOW it's my new ADV
MFW unbanned from /r/braveryjerk
MFW BJ is taken over by SJW mods and I only have 1 day left to be a homophobic racist
MFW Cupcake Visits
MFW back on British soil.
MFW my new bar and bumper plates have been delivered.
MFW I see people talking about limb length like its a valid excuse.
Mfw i just saw the 100th episode
MFW I forget there is a new episode today and suddenly remember
MFW people try to show me their gem shipping
MFW I'm enlightened by my own intelligence.
MFW watching the new episode
MFW The white man is keeping me down
MFW SOMEONE wants to call out my abs.
mfw i eat an auto flame shotgun
MFW Balloo says we've gone all fluffy bunny in here...
MFW the mods threaten to Take Arrieta posts away.
MFW I post this outtake of an attempted ass pic and then feel insecure about my stock
MFW I take a drunk buttsnap on a whim
Mfw someone unexpectedly leaves
MFW I'm Micah Johnson answering a phone call.
Mfw comments removed
mfw the second part of the finale is a full day away
MFW the gyno tries to see how meaty the cunt is
MFW the gang is gettin' together for a good old-fashioned spit roast.
MFW I lose my Brown Cherry (Are we still doing gay porn?)
MFW I lose a shadow game
Mfw I'm unathletic in school
mfw I can’t find my protractor i dropped in the leaves during land nav
MFW watching Wrestle Kingdom 12
MFW when i go straight from stomach flu to a cold.....
MFW my (sexy) wife catches me in the mancave, cheating her with my true love
MFW he tells me how he's going to make me feel like a woman. ;)
MFW I visit r/gaybros
MFW I'm trying to watch a movie but the groupchat is blowing up with people talking
mfw i drank so much water i feel sick but my mouth is still dryer than a pussy rammed
MFW you can't even see past them ?
MFW I realized I was the lovechild of Norm MacDonald and Steven Seagal
MFW I've been sick the past week and just want to breathe through my nose
MFW the little yellow pony calls me a slut.
mfw I add another piece to my collection