
MRW a random comments thread immediately turns into sexism/racism/etc
MRW one upvote is just not enough
MRW I tracked down the npc that killed me in GTA V
MRW I hit my funny bone (nsfw)
MRW I think I'm out of beer, but I check the fridge and there is one more left
MRW my mom asked if I wanted general mills because it was on sale
MRW I first walked into the strip club
MRW I accidentally went to a NSFW MLP subreddit just now
MRW when seeing a NSFW tag on a link in /r/videos, even though it's on YouTube.
MRW my dog licked my V when I was masterbating
MRW I'm at an orgy and all the bottoms are taken.
MRW I'm browsing reddit.
MRW my date with SpiderMan goes really well NSFW
MRW i get the right answer on the first try on an EM fields problem
MRW I realise I don't have internet in my home due to a thunderstorm and tonight
MRW Someone says I can't complain about oversexualized women(in games and media)because
MRW I Accidentally Click on a NSFW Link at Work Without Thinking
MRW I get tricked by the NSFW thread
MRW my brothers decided to throw away all my tampons and Oreos just to see what I
MRW I'm browsing /r/LadyBoners looking for 'inspiration'[NSFW]
MRW I'm banging your girlfriend!!! xD
MRW my friend asks to try my Subtank Mini
MRW I don't get the NSFW/NSFL image of r/fiftyfifty
MRW I see a dev with 15 active SSH sessions [NSFW]
MRW I click a NSFW link only to find that it is, in fact, SFW.
MRW I'm looking through the subreddits list and see how many oddly specific nsfw
MRW someone complains about ass-posts getting old (Now with bonus dick!)
MRW people ask if I buy MLP episodes
MRW I see a nsfw tumblr gif
MRW /u/luke says to ban me
MRW I click on a NSFW thread but it's all text
MRW I'm trying to protect my adc from a deadly gank
MRW parents support capitalism. HAIL MAO
MRW I'm wetting my diaper, then feel pee trickling down my leg
MRW my LDR BF sends me saucy pics
MRW Buzzfeed asks me what "LemonCake and Chill" means. [NSFW]
MRW someone tries to argue about how PhiPhi's attitude makes her untalented
MRW Marvel Gets Too Risky
MRW United tries to pull me off a flight
MRW I get to the NSFW posts in r/all
MRW I'm cycling a cage full of kids to the Central Rapist Church and one tries to
MRW someone tells me NSFL stands for "Not Safe for Life" but I thought
MRW She sees me naked for the first time [mildly NSFW]
MRW people say anybody but based Dugan is the true gun jesus.
MRW when I want to post my boobs to shitty advice animals but somebody complains
MRW everyone says there was an earthquake
MRW I click on an NSFW link and it's actually SFW
MRW he finds the spot
MRW After suffering 19 concussions someone asks me how many concussions I've had
MRW I'm a journalist trying to leave a Saudi consulate office
mrw guys ask how tight I am...
Mrw he moves his hands to unbutton his pants
MRW I wake up with 3 new matches on tinder but they're all single moms
MRW upper management is looking into my department and I have to decide whether to