
MRW My parents walk into my room and I didn't know they were home.
MRW a hot girl puts her hand on my shoulder
MRW a girl tells me I look a lot like Kurt Cobain.
MRW I hear my Jam! Her moves match almost any beat (slightly nsfw)
MRW I accidentally click a NSFW post in the library
MRW I get caught staring at cleavage...(Nice!)
MRW I had a little accident, and try to hit on the attractive young EMT.
MRW my friend asks what "NSFW" mean
MRW when a flasher pulls down his pants to wish me a "Happy Valentine's Day!"
MRW I'm wiping down the front desk and a customer comes up saying "you look
MRW the vending machine won’t take the dollar
mrw people on neopets tell me the item im auctioning isnt worth what im asking for
MRW After I had breakfast in McDonald's due to being in a hurry [Slightly NSFW]
MRW I'm walking and a guy leans out his car window and yells "I'd fuck that!"
MRW my boyfriend says he made sheet cookies
MRW I draw something and cash in on the karma.
MRW I finally no longer hit myself with my dick while masturbating after a penis
MRW I sober up and realize I left the oven on at home
MRW the new girl I'm seeing has highly intelligent conversations with me and talks
MRW I go to change my cotton and I break a coil
MRW there is cripple karaoke night but they forgot the mic stand
MRW the courts rule that the NSA's surveillance is not legal.
MRW I pull up to an intersection and see another driver blowing clouds
MRW switching to an MVP3 after using an Ego Twist for over a year.
MRW when I throw caution to the wind and click a NSFW link on /r/WTF
MRW my girlfriend "just wants to make out a little"
MRW I accidentally "like" a picture on facebook from 4 years ago because
MRW I see this bedspread on reddit
MRW there's a NSFW link with a very inviting title but I'm on the bus
MRW I'm shocked by Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump's ability to turn invisible and
MRW Snyder is replaced by Nolan, and Chris Pratt is made SuperbMan.
Mrw the front page is full of newb fags
MRW I go out dancing and some girl stops dancing with me saying that I suck at it
MRW I accidentally visit GW with the NSFW filter on
MRW Cruz picks a VP.
MRW I get mistaken for a girl because of my posting style...
MRW Hillary accuses Pepe of being sexist
MRW I hit 100,000 link karma
MRW there's another post about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
MRW I finally get home from work the day after Halloween and get a chance to check
MRW I find out /r/HighQualityTittyGifs is now a thing
MRW I see posts in /r/randomactsofblowjob and /r/randomactsofmuffdive, in the same
Mrw I browse gonewild
MRW my homies ask if I just shot that cop
MRW Donald Trump Releases Bin Laden's porn stash...
MRW my wife swallows the red pill
MRW I see a NSFW gif at work but still click it and see that it's actually NSFW and
mrw i see my roommates sneak off to bone (nsfw)
MRW /u/badjib makes 3 post bitching about being called a nerd