
MRW my wife divorces me, but gives me the house and everything in it.
MRW the girl I'm seeing suggested we try something different
MRW I open a non tagged nsfw link at work
MRW I watch my wife open the freezer for ice cream and I know there's none left
MRW an unstable ex texts me 'Hey' and I actually respond
MRW someone comments on what I'm eating
MRW I open a NSFW link expecting boobs and get gore.
MRW I turn over the first page of my exam paper
MRW my roommate asks what I had for dinner last night
MRW my friend is looking for a beer pong partner [GOT TV spoiler]
MRW I click on a link labeled NSFW while at work
MRW my friends make stupid sexist jokes.
MRW Circlejerk is now Arthur themed.
MRW my friend invites me to a party full of hot athletes.
MRW a really awesome action movie ruins a good scene with cheesy graphics.
MRW someone says it's time to inspect bikinis
MRW my wife and I finally have sex after she’s been shutting me down for weeks.
MRW I wear a low cut shirt to the bar and my husband starts getting drunk and handsy
MRW I see a NSFW post, then realize it's in r/wtf
MRW my BF wants to open the relationship and sleep with other girls because my “vagina
MRW someone gives me shit for cross-posting my own content
MRW my boyfriend asks me what's for dinner
MRW i think of you stroking yourself (f)or me
MRW its my turn!
MRW I'm about to open a NSFW post in the library.
MRW I accidentally spoiled last night's show to a coworker at the bar.
MRW I watch a porn video and the guy is actually really hot
MRW I finally get my period after not having one last month! Celebrate with me TrollX!
MRW so many NSFW links sound soooo good, but I'm in the front row of a lecture hall
MRW when she wants me to wash her in the shower
MRW I open a post tagged "NSFW" at work
MRW I finally meet with my GF after a long time without seeing her.
MRW I arrive at the Belgian airport and I'm not sure which gate to go to...
MRW I forget what it looks like
MRW Bob fan art is no longer an advanced spoiler.
MRW I'm at the orgy and my cellphone goes off but I can't find it. [NSFW]
MRW it's time to get my freak on
MRW I see Sylvanas' new title
MRW someone tries to grab my pussy
MRW I hear that a transgender boy wins a woman's wrestling championship.
MRW My alarm goes off on Monday morning [slightly NSFW]
MRW I'm adam sandler looking to get a prison football team together
MRW Girls "require" certain traits from men to date them. "Must be
MRW my FWB criticised the size of my labia [NSFW]
MRW I have to take my robot gf's buttplug out so we can robot-bang but I'm drunk
MRW I come to this subreddit after a tragedy
mrw the NRA sends their goons to make me renew
mrw she wants me to read her mind (nsfw)
MRW I hear a terrorist attack killed over 100 people, but then I realize they're
MRW my friends ask why I don't wear revealing clothes.
Mrw people posting to this sub.
mrw when I see what's under your pants! ?